Our Work

what we do


Boda bodas are the fastest growing means of transport in Kenya and as such, our objective is advocating for, and pursuing self regulation by focusing on their welfare and wellbeing.

This we believe will appeal to their hearts and minds which we hope might be the key towards enacting behavioral change when it comes to personal safety and by extension, road safety.

Northern Corridor and Nairobi County Hazardous Sections | A8 & A12 Roads

Installation of missing, damaged, and replacing worn-out road signs and furniture along the mapped hazardous sections along A8, A12 and Nairobi County roads.

The A8 road (Northern Corridor) is from Malaba-Eldoret-Nakuru-Nairobi-Voi-Mombasa and covers a total distance of approximately 920km.

The A12 road is from Busia-Kisumu-Kericho-Mau summit, where it joins the A8 road and covers a total distance of approximately 229km.

Road Asset Management

This is a solution that improves road management practices and policies.

The desired outcome is complementing the ongoing activities being undertaken by the respective road authorities towards maintaining and improving of road signs and furniture efficiently.

Road Safety Videos

These are audio-visual presentations of the Highway Code for public awareness and education.

The Highway Code is a bulky and boring document with limited access to the public.

Presenting the Highway Code as a series of short audio-visual presentations in multiple formats in both English & Swahili for broadcasting different media platforms makes it possible to target and reach a broader and wider audience.

School Zones

Our school-going children are the most vulnerable road users.

Establishing, defining and enforcement of school zones especially on high-risk roads is critical towards enhancing a safe journey to and from school.